Monday 17 March 2014

Raw cauliflower salad

Another very simple post, almost too simple to be considered a recipe.  We have fantastic cauliflowers grown locally and in season, as I've stated before I'm a big fan of their distinctive flavour, be it roasted, in a curry as a classic cauliflower cheese (with a bit of truffle and jamon slipped in if I'm feeling cheffy).  However sometimes it seems a shame to do too much to that raw crunchy flavour and texture hence this very simple approach.

Don't worry if you don't have all of the ingredients, as ever experiment away.  Anchovies are a good substitute for capers, you can add a creamy or mustardy dressing if you prefer, cumin and paprika work well in there, as does chilli, basil, parsley and coriander.  I'm giving the recipe for the version pictured but I make it differently every time I do it.


1 small cauliflower
1 small red onion
1 tbsp capers
1/2 sweet red pepper
1 tbsp chopped mint
1 tbsp good rapeseed oil
1/2 tbsp cider vinegar
Salt and pepper


1)  Finely dice the red onion, cauliflower (stalk and all) and red pepper.

2)  Combine all of the ingredients, toss and taste.

It really is that simple.

Try, taste, and let me know how you get on!

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